Sports Medicine
Myhre Equine Clinic is uniquely qualified and equipped to provide diagnostic lameness and performance evaluations, musculoskeletal ultrasound, and sports medicine.
Myhre Equine Clinic leads all of New England with the most experience and knowledge in various disciplines and the demands of the performance horse. We are uniquely qualified to provide pre-purchase exams and diagnostic lameness exams. Myhre Equine Clinic is a state-of-the-art facility encompassing a full-service farrier center on-site. Sports related injuries represent the most common performance-limiting health problems, and our state-of-the-art imaging technology allows our expert professional staff to accurately diagnose and treat these injuries.
Pre-Purchase Exams
The prospective buyer selects the veterinarian and schedules the exam, paying the relative fees. In order to avoid conflict of interest, the veterinarian should not be the seller's regular vet. Often both the owner and the seller are present during the pre-purchase exam. The buyer determines how in-depth the pre-purchase exam will become. This may include a full physical examination, lameness examination, under-saddle examination and/or radiographs. A pre-purchase exam is a fact-finding session which evaluates the horse on that particular day. It is not a guarantee, an insurance policy, or a value appraisal. All horses have defects, therefore, any horse can develop a future unsoundness or health problem
Lameness Exams
The exam begins with the owner supplying the history and the veterinarian observing the horse at rest. The whole horse is considered during the in-depth analysis of the lameness. This includes the condition, conformation, abnormal stance, abnormal wear in the feet, lacerations and/or other physical abnormalities of the horse. The horse is then observed at the walk, trot and canter on hard and soft surfaces in a straight line and on a circle. The horse's limbs may be flexed or stressed to accentuate a lameness. An under-saddle examination can also be performed utilizing our indoor and outdoor riding arenas. Videography is used to analyze the horse's gait in further detail. At this point, further recommendations such as regional anesthesia, radiography, ultrasound, nuclear scintigraphy, MRI or CT will be made. MEC’s experienced diagnosticians, combined with advanced diagnostic imaging, ensures your horse the best chance for success.